Trump Campaign Says President Will Be Reelected with 285 Electoral College Votes


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Despite the greatest efforts of the fake news media and their phony pollster compatriots, Trump is now back on a steely pathway to win re-election.

President Trump currently has 214 Electoral College votes awarded. The final count will be Trump 285. Here is the breakdown of the additional Electoral College votes from states currently “uncalled” that the president will win: North Carolina-15, Georgia-16, Pennsylvania-20, Arizona-11, Nevada-6, Alaska-3.

Democrats are pushing to count late ballots because they are worried about Trump’s margins. The Trump campaign legal team is fighting to ensure that all legal ballots – and only legal ballots – are counted.

Here is the campaign’s analysis to get to 285: 

Pathway to victory in Pennsylvania:

    • There are more than a million ballots left to be counted, including roughly 300,000 in Philadelphia.
    • Using extremely conservative estimates, even if President Trump receives just 5% of ballots in Philadelphia and 30% of other remaining ballots, the President still wins Pennsylvania by 40,000 votes.
    • We are confident in winning because many of these absentee ballots are from conservative counties:
      • There are 54,000 ballots left to be counted in Cumberland County.
      • There are 40,000 ballots left to be counted in Westmoreland County – a county where President Trump won 69 percent  of the vote yesterday.
      • There are 20,000 ballots left to be counted in Franklin County – a county where President Trump won more than 82 percent of the vote yesterday.
      • There are 20,000 ballots left to be counted in Beaver County.
      • The campaign also believes that we will win more than 5 percent of ballots in Philadelphia County because of the President’s inroads with Black and Hispanic voters.
      • The campaign expects to overperform historical GOP margins among minority voters by 2-5 percent.

Pathway to victory in Arizona:

  • A final batch of mail-in ballots is still being counted, with the latest arriving ballots counted last.
  • The campaign believes that over a half million votes remain to be counted.
  • The campaign expect to win between 66 percent and 70 percent of these ballots.
  • The campaign expect to win Arizona by 30,000 votes.
  • Arizona will join the President’s column at day’s end.
  • Last night alone, Trump won 62 percent of the 80,000 Election Day votes that came into Maricopa County – the president’s campaign expects this margin to be higher in the rest of the state.

Pathway to victory in Nevada:

  • Late-breaking mail-in-votes will help Trump.
  • The campaign believes that once all legal ballots are counted, Trump will win Nevada by 5,500 votes

Pathway to victory in Georgia:

  • President Trump has built an insurmountable lead that the Democrats cannot beat.
  • Trump leads by over 100,000 votes. Georgia should have been called last night. The campaign believes this is Fake News.

Pathway to victory in North Carolina:

  • President Trump has built an insurmountable lead that the Democrats cannot beat.
  • Trump leads by over 76,000 votes. North Carolina should have been called last night.

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John Fredericks is the publisher and Editor-in-Chief of The Virginia Star. He is also a Trump 2020 delegate and the chairman of the Trump Virginia Delegation.
Photos “Joe Biden” and “Donald Trump” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.






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One Thought to “Trump Campaign Says President Will Be Reelected with 285 Electoral College Votes”

  1. John

    Farewell Mr. President. These commies finally got you. You’re up by significant amounts in Michigan and Wisconsin, and then suddenly Biden takes both states, with a 90% voter turnout? I call B.S. 90% turnout for any election is a pipe dream. And if 90% indeed turned out, they surely didn’t turn out for the candidate that spent 90% of is time asleep in his basement.

    And as I said about all this crap about Hillary, Hunter, the Russia Hoax, the laptops, nothing will ever come of this……PERIOD!

    Corrupt son’s of b-word
